Shihua Yang

Shihua Yang

 Discipline:	Veterinary Medicine
Address:	College of Veterinary Medicine, South China Agricultural University, 510642
Additional Information:	Department of Clinical Veterinary Medicine 


Shihua Yang,Male,Born in Gansu province, Ph.D. in Clinical Veterinary Medicine, Professor. He received his Ph.D Degree in 2002 at Gansu Agricultural University. Followed by 3 years of postdoctoral fellow and 2 years of assistant professor at Kunming Institute of Zoology, and meanwhile, one year of senior visiting scholar at Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, Berlin.

Shihua Yang has been doing his research in non-human primates reproduction and its application for more than sixteen years. His research is currently focusing on genome editing to set up disease models for human and its potential precision treatment, embryonic development, and assisted reproductive technologies for monkeys. He has published sixty papers, including published in Cell Research, PNAS, Human reproduction, and Theriogenology. 

Education and Training Program: 

June, 2002: Received Ph.D. degree, Clinical Veterinary Science, College of Veterinary Medicine, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou, China

June, 1999: Received Master degree, Basic Veterinary Science, College of Veterinary Medicine, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou, China

June, 1996: Received Bachelor degree, Veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou, China

Working Experience:

April, 2014: Professor, Department of Clinical Veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, China.

October, 2007-March, 2014: Professor, Assistant professor, Department of Biotechnology, College of Life Science and Technology, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming, China.

October, 2002-September, 2007: Postdoc and Researcher, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, China. (Senior Visiting Scholar of one year at Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, Berlin)

Research Interests:

 Genome editing to set up animal models for human diseases and its potential precision treatment, embryonic development related cellular and molecular biology, and assisted reproductive technologies for monkeys.


1.Shihua Yang#, Wenhui Zhang*, Mingxiang Cai*, Yuanxu Zhang, Fujun Jin, Sen Yan, Zulqurain Baloch1,2, Zhihao Fang1,2, Senren Xue1,2, Rongping Tang5, JiaXiao4, Qunshan Huang1,2, Yao Sun 3,#, Xiaogang Wang4,5,#. Suppression of bone resorption by miR-141 in aged rhesus monkeys. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 2018, 33(10):1799-1812.

2.Xiaoxing Liu,Zulqarain baloch,Ge Wang, Senren Xue, Qunshang Huang, Shihua Yang*. High efficient and non-invasive collection of ejaculates from rats using penile vibratory stimulation. Theriogenology, 2018, 106(1):192-197.

3.Qiong Ke, Weiqiang Li, Xingqiang Lai, Hong Chen, Lihua Huang, Zhuang Kang, Kai Li, Jie Ren, Xiaofeng Lin, Haiqing Zheng, Weijun Huang, Yunhan Ma, Dongdong Xu, Zheng Chen, Xinming Song, Xinyi Lin, Min Zhuang, Tao Wang, Fengfeng Zhuang, Jianzhong Jeff Xi, Frank Fuxiang Mao, Huimin Xia, Bruce T. Lahn, Qi Zhou, Shihua Yang* and Peng Xiang. TALEN-based generation of a cynomolgus monkey disease model for human microcephaly. Cell Research. 2016 Sep;26(9):1048-1061.

4.Yunhan Ma, Jiayu Li, Ge Wang, Qiong Ke, Sien Qiu, Liang Gao, Haifeng Wan,Yang Zhou, Andy Peng Xiang, Qunshan Huang, Guoping Feng, Qi Zhou & Shihua Yang*. Efficient production of cynomolgus monkeys with a toolbox of enhanced assisted reproductive technologies. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:25888.

5.Xiaohui Zhang, Louis Y. Tee, Xiaogang Wang, Qunshan Huang, Shihua Yang*. Off-target effects in CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome engineering. Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids. 2015,4, e264; doi:10.1038/mtna.

6.Haifeng Wan, Chunjing Feng#, Fei Teng#, Shihua Yang#(co-first author), Baoyang Hu, Yuyu Niu, Andy Peng Xiang, Weizhen Fang, Weizhi Ji, Wei Li, Xiaoyang Zhao, Qi Zhou. One-step generation of p53 gene biallelic mutant cynomolgus monkey via the CRISPR/Cas system. Cell Research, 2015, 25:258-261.

7.YANG Shihua, PING Shuhuang , JI Shaohui , LU Yongqing , NIU Yuyu , WANG Hong , JI Weizhi , SI Wei. The positive effects of seminal plasma during the freezing process on cryosurvival of sperm with poor freezability in the rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta). Journal of Reproduction and Development 2011, 57(6): 737-743. 

8.L Su, S Yang, X He, X Li, J Ma, Y Wang, GA Presicce and W Ji. Effect of donor age on the developmental competence of bovine oocytes retrieved by ovum pick up. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 2012, 47(2): 184-189.

9.Shuhuang Ping, Fan Wang, Yuanxu Zhang, Changqing Wu, Wenru Tang, Ying Luo, Shihua Yang*. Cryopreservation of epididymal spermatozoa in tree shrews (Tupaia belangeri). Theriogenology 2011, 76(1):39-46.

10.Shihua YANG, Shuhuang PING, Wei SI, Xiechao HE, Xinyi WANG, Yongqing LU, Shaohui JI, Yuyu NIU, Weizhi JI. Optimize Ethylene Glycol Concentrations, Freezing Rates and Holding Times in Liquid Nitrogen Vapor for Sperm Cryopreservation of Rhesus Macaque (Macaca mulatta). Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 2011, 73(6):717-23.

11.Niu Y, Yu Y, Bernat A, Yang S, He X, Guo X, Chen D, Chen Y, Ji S, Si W, Lv Y, Tan T, Wei Q, Wang H, Shi L, Guan J, Zhu X, Afanassieff M, Savatier P, Zhang K, Zhou Q, Ji W. 2010 Transgenic rhesus monkeys produced by gene transfer into early-cleavage-stage embryos using a simian immunodeficiency virus-based vector. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2010, 107 (41):17663-7. 

12.Shihua Yang , Xiechao He, Yuyu Niu, Thomas B. Hildebrandt, Katarina Jewgenow, Frank Goeritz, Yunyan Chang, Qi Zhou and Weizhi Ji. Ovarian response to gonadotropin stimulation in juvenile rhesus monkeys. Theriogenology 2009, 72:243-250.

13.Shihua Yang, Xiechao He, Yuyu Niu, Xihong Wang, Bin Lu, Thomas B. Hildebrandt, Katarina Jewgenow, Frank Goeritz, Qi Zhou and Weizhi Ji. Dynamic changes in ovarian follicles measured by ultrasonography throughout gonadotropin stimulation in rhesus monkeys. Theriogenology 2009, 72:560-565.

14.Hildebrandt TB, Drews B, Kurz J, Hermes R, Yang S, Göritz F. Pregnancy monitoring in dogs and cats using 3D and 4D ultrasonography. Reprod Dom Anim 2009, 44 (Suppl. 2): 125–128. 

15.Shihua Yang, Yi Shen, Yuyu Niu, Thomas B. Hildebrandt, Katarina Jewgenow, Frank Goeritz, Xiechao He, Qi Zhou and Weizhi Ji. Effects of rhFSH regimen and time interval on ovarian responses to repeated stimulation cycles in rhesus monkeys during a physiologic breeding season. Theriogenology 2008, 70:108-114. 

16.Yuyu Niu, Shihua Yang, Chenhui Ding, Jifeng Yang, Yang Yu, Shufen Wang, Shaohui Ji, Xiechao He, Yunhua Xie, Xianghui Tang, Qi Zhou and Weizhi Ji. Impairments in Embryonic Genome Activation in Rhesus Monkey Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Embryos. Cloning Stem cell 2008, 10:25-36.

17.Tao Tan, Shihua Yang, Jing Zhang, Shufeng Wang, Xianghui Tang, Weizhi Ji. Differentiation of rabbit embryonic stem cell. Cell Research 2008, 18(Suppl.1) 8s-149

18.Yang S, He X, Hildebrandt TB, Jewgenow K, Goeritz F, Tang X, Zhou Q, Ji W. Effects of rhFSH dose on ovarian follicular response, oocyte recovery and embryo development in rhesus monkeys. Theriogenology 2007, 67:1194-1201.

19.Yang S, He X, Hildebrandt TB, Zhou Q, Ji W. Superovulatory response to a low dose single-daily treatment of rhFSH dissolved in polyvinylpyrrolidone in rhesus monkeys. American Journal of Primatology 2007, 69:1278-1284.

20.Niu YY, Yang SH, Yang J, He XC, Tang X, Xie Y, Zhou Q, Ji WZ. Mamu-AG transcription in preimplantation embryos derived from SCNT and IVF in rhesus monkey. Biology of Reproduction 2007, SP.Iss. SI:164-165.

21.Zhou Q, Yang SH, Ding CH, He XC, Xie YH, Hildebrandt TB, Mitalipov SM, Tang XH, Wolf DP & Ji WZ. A comparative approach to somatic cell nuclear transfer in the rhesus monkey. Human Reproduction 2006, 21:2564-2571.

22.Yang J, Yang S, Beaujean N, Niu Y, He X, Xie Y, Tang X, Wang L, Zhou Q, Ji W. Epigenetic Marks in Cloned Rhesus Monkey Embryos: Comparison with Counterparts Produced In Vitro. Biology of Reproduction 2006, 76:36-42.

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